Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WoT: 2.1-2.2 Level and Character Attributes

Let's start off with the basic stuff which almost everyone knows!
This part would cover building your character stats, skills builds.

2.1 Level
There you start off as level 1 in probably every other game.
Your journey now begins as a newbie like every other new player alike.

Leveling up increases your HP, EP and you recieve 7 stats points. Additional 7 stats point are obtain per 10 levels. The max level currently is at at 60.

2.2 Character Attributes
Exp: Experience points, once it's full you level
HP: Hit points, once it reach's zero you are dead
EP: Energy points, used for using skills
SP: Spirit points, used for doing instance at heroic or legendary, reviving when you are dead or for some specific quests.
Power: Used for using lv50 skill. Increases when you attack (including pet) or been attacked. You gain 2 power each time and 5 if a critical damage is dealt.
(Yellow bar under the SP bar in the main screen)

Damage: Self explanatory, higher it gets the better
Defence: Increases damage reduction by a percentage
Accuracy: Chance to hit when attacking
Dodge: Chance to evade when attacked
Speed: Action bar refill time, the higher the faster you attack.
Critical: Chance to critical, chance to do a critical hit doing x% critical damage
Block: Reduction of critical chance

Title:Opens title award window.
Zodiac: Current unavailable
Mastery: Unlocked at level 40. Combat Mastery Experience used for upgrading
More Stats: Opens the window on the right

Strength: +3 Damage, +1 Accuracy, +5 HP per stat
Stamina: +20 HP, +5 Defence, +1 EP, +1 Block per stat
Agility: +2 Critical, +2 Dodge, +2 Accuracy, +5 HP per stat
Commander: Increases your leadership ability (Current not available)

Reset Attributes: Brings out the menu for you to buy skill reset using gold.
Recommended: Auto assignment of stats. I strongly advice you not to use this
for various reasons which will be explains later below.

Fate: Gives you a stat bonus depending on which fate is chosen.
Luck: Ranges from worst, bad, normal, lucky, best. Rumoured to affect item drop rate.
Title: Gives a wide range of bonuses, damage, speed, EP limit, EP recovery, defence, HP limit, Recover. 20 levels.
Merit: Required for increasing title. Get this from quests, merit certificate
or merit exchange.

Average Damage: Min damage + max damage/ 2
Speed: Increases speed by 0.01 fps per 10 speed
Damage reduction: Increases with diminishing returns (Ratio of defence : reduction % is reduce as defence value is increased)
Critical Damage: Critical damage modifier
Element damage/resist: Increase in element damage done/reduction in element damage taken
HP recovery: HP recovery every 5 second. HP recovery in multiples of 20 (E.g. 10 x 20 = 200hp per 5 second)
EP recovery: EP recovery every 5 second. EP recovery in multiples of 5 (E.g. 10 x 5 = 50ep per 5 second)
Drain HP/EP: Leeches back HP/EP per hit. Leech value in multiples of 10. *
Heal HP (Healing): Increase healing by a percentage. (E.g 2000 x 10% = 200 extra heal)
Reflect Damage (Deflect): Return damage to enemies when attacked. Returns damage in multiples of 10. **
Reduce armour (Sunder): Reduces enemies defence when attacking. Defence reduce as stated amount.

* HP/EP drained based on damage whichever is less.
(E.g. Having 30 HP drain would allow 300 Hp of draining but if damage is less then 300, then only that damage is drained)
** Damage returned based on damage taken whichever is less
(E.g. Having 30 Reflect Damage would allow returning of 300 damage but if damage taken is less then 300, then only that damage is returned)

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